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Christmas Objects

Waiting for Answers

It seems to me that we face so many more choices & challenges every day, and life isn’t as simple as it used to be. Therefore, we need to pray without ceasing more than ever. The world around us is in turmoil. Everywhere we turn, there’s a disaster of one kind or another, and it could be overwhelming and leave us feeling entirely hopeless. Yes, the world is in trouble. But without the Lord to reassure us that this too shall pass, where would we be?

When Jesus walked among the people, He told His disciples after they had returned from a tiring time of teaching and healing many, “Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark: 6:31).

However, the crowds followed them, so Jesus had compassion for them and fed them the five loaves and two fish. Finally, whenever everyone had left, Jesus went up on the mountainside to pray and rest.

That is something we need to learn to do. When we have completed all the tasks at hand, we need to go and find our quiet place while we wait for the answers that we need.

First we pray diligently, and then we must learn to let ourselves rest while we wait. Pray, and then rest in the assurance that the answers will come.

During King David’s darkest times, he kept his faith and trust in the Lord. He faced many situations that were life-threatening, and it appeared there was no way of escaping from them. That is when he cried out to his Lord: “Hear my prayers, Lord. Listen to my call for Mercy. When I am in distress, I call to You and You answer me!”

David also prayed for the Lord to guide his steps: “Teach me Your ways , Lord, so that I may trust always in Your faithfulness. Give me a heart that fears Your name”.

David communed and walked with God all the time because he wanted that deep relationship.

Jesus has promised that although we may suffer for a little while, He will guide us, care for us, and supply all our needs.

When someone asks me if I ever get doubts, I wish I could say this: “What? Doubts? Of course not! I believe in God and His Son with all my heart and soul!”

But the truth is, yes, I do get doubts. Sometimes doubts creep in and catch me off guard. One name for that is 'Worrying’. There are no pretty words for it.

That is what it is.

I know I still do it more than I should. However, I really try and catch it faster than I used to, by reminding myself continually that all of my worrying cannot add a minute to my days or provide an answer for my problems as they arise.

I have learned that I need to pray for wisdom and discernment, so that I can be a better helper to others around me, or to whoever the Lord lays on my heart.

The Apostle Paul said this: “Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Col:4).

Proverbs 16 encourages us with these words of promise… ”Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Dear Reader, before you leave this blog, close your eyes for a few moments and relax

by taking a few long breaths. Then pray for the person who is most on your heart at this time, and ask the Lord to give you gracious words for that soul…

Words that will comfort and encourage them in the area they may need healing…

Words that will give them peace instead of worry while they wait for their answers.

Thank You Lord, and please bless this Dear Reader wherever they are, for their prayers going forward to the one You have placed on their heart. One of Your PROMISES to us Lord, is that no prayer goes unheard. Amen.

Blessings, Marlane.

Excerpted from the book "101 Promises" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.


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