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Christmas Objects

Time Goes By So Quickly

There's an old proverb I found somewhere one day. I jotted it down, and it goes like this: “The flower doesn't wait for the bee to come. The flower blooms because the bee has already come and gone.” In other words… life happens whether we are watching or not.

Changes can happen that fast as well. Everything is planned, whether we see it or not. We just don’t realize the depths and the intricate ways that everything is mapped out.

As believers, we know that all things come from our creator, God our Father & His Son, Jesus.

Although everything else may shift or get shaken up in our world, His faith in us is never changing. When we’re waiting for something great to happen, it seems to take forever; and if we want something to be over, it takes forever. When we were young and wanted to be grown-up, it took forever. But now as we have ‘matured’ (to phrase it gently), time is going by so quickly.

Why is that? Where did the time go? The years seem to have flown by. I couldn’t wait to retire so that I could do all the stuff I wanted to do, when I had more time. But I find I cannot stay up as late as I used to. I don’t work or multitask the way I used to, and I don’t even have the enthusiasm for all those projects I have been saving up. I’m surrounded by crafts & yarn that I’ve saved up for so many Pinterest projects. However, most of them are only partly done, and hopefully I will get back to them!

I have long given up making a to-do list every day, which was a good thing because that just became a discouragement most days, since I didn’t complete it.

Anyway, after all is said and done, I’m very grateful for each day and am amazed that I have come this far. I’m sure many of you will say the same thing.

This morning I looked at my plants with amazement because I brought them home in little packs or started new ones from seeds that I saved, and here they are at their max in foliage, beautifully grown. “Wow! How did they get this huge and beautiful?!”

The summer season has gradually slipped away. How quickly June, July & August sped by, and everyone I talk to says the same thing. The fall months are passing just as quickly as well.

This morning I set my alarm for 5:00 AM, got up, and it was still dark! It just seems like a week ago the birds were waking me up. Of course, since June 20th the days have been getting shorter, a few minutes at a time. So let’s enjoy these precious days of autumn. Make memories wherever & whenever we can because as time passes, they will become golden.

Great is God‘s faithfulness all through the years, and we acknowledged that in a special way this September 2024! Praise the Lord for his guidance over Bayview Church in Gimli Manitoba, as we celebrated 40 years!!!

God‘s promises are faithful and remain the same - yesterday, today and tomorrow.

There have been changes in the Church. Families have come and gone… some have come back again. New people are always welcomed with open arms. It has always been a place of sharing, caring, joys and sorrows, accomplishments, new lives, and celebrations of those who have passed to their eternal home to be with the Lord.

The 40th Anniversary of Bayview Church was held on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, filled with fellowship, praise and thankfulness, great food, and music. The weather was perfect, and I’m sure I can write for all of us that we just felt the glory of the Lord shining down upon us.

Meanwhile, for today Dear Readers, I hope you are able to sit outside on your favorite comfy chair, even if the air is a little brisk on your patio or deck. Enjoy your favorite beverage… take time to smell the flowers. Listen to the birds while the breeze rustles the colorful leaves as they cascade down from the trees. Chat with loved ones and friends... AND, enjoy the sunshine and also the rainy days that bring it all together.

I read the quote below on social media on “Inspiring and Positive Quotes”, and I'm copying it with hope and confidence that you will find it as encouraging as I did.

Please remember always, how essential you are to someone. If no one has said it to you today or for awhile, I am writing you a reminder now. "You are important."

Here is the quote:


"Maybe some things don't get better, but we do. We get stronger.

We learn to live with our situations, as messy and ugly as they may get.

We fix what we can, and we adapt to what we can't.

Maybe some of us will never be fully okay, but at least we're here.

We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too.

If you are reading this, congratulations! You made it to Today! You made it!!!"


Blessings & Thank You Lord, for it is YOU that brings us through everything each and every day. It is truly by YOUR faithfulness alone. Amen.


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