One time in particular stands out in my mind. It was a year last January, my favorite winter month.
Here on the Canadian prairie we can go for days & days of continuous snow storms without a hint of a break in the clouds. My windows can become packed with a layer of it if the wind is driving in certain directions.
During the storm, I had been writing & writing but not quite satisfied with any of my results. I believe every writer suffers at one time or another with this 'thorn' in our side. I let myself come to the conclusion that I might not even finish 101 BLESSINGS.
However, there were earth angels all around me calling to encourage me to keep going.
With the blizzard raging and belting against my windows, I continued typing. Somehow the words kept coming & I left them alone, even if I didn't think they were any good at the time.
After what seemed like weeks but in actuality was only a few days, I managed to push open the back door & step out into almost waist deep snow. It didn't matter. The sun had broken through! The grey dismal sky was quickly giving up the fight and was retracting into the horizon. The sky was the brightest shades of pink, soft yellow tones and heavenly blue! Clouds were puffy white.
The sunshine came through at last! The snow was so dazzling, I can't even begin to describe it.
I was instantly reminded of how those days of darkness made me appreciate the return of the sun.
Letting its warmth touch my face never felt more welcomed.
The Creator's PROMISES came to mind. There will be sunshine and a Rainbow after every storm. The gorgeous prairie landscape in its heavenly purity of blues, mauves and the whitest of whites, was my version of the rainbow.
I've used this quote before by Martin Luther that is jotted in one of my old journals: "God not only writes the Gospels in the Bible but on the trees, flowers, clouds & stars".
I came in, sat down at my keyboard feeling alive & refreshed from the icy air & it just so happened that Martin Luther's quote was scratched on a notepad on my desk. I don't believe he'd mind if I added a few of my own words about the snow and icicles to it. Everywhere there were mounds of pure white snow. Icicles hung from all of our eaves and turned into iridescent colored prisms that exhibited the rainbow colors as the sunlight shone through them.
I began reviewing my efforts of the past week. I prayed that the Holy Spirit would lead me to make the right changes.
More PROMISES came to me.
"My grace is sufficient for thee'.
It's true!
He lifted my heaviness and doubts about my writing. I had a brand new portion of my book, just when I thought I should abandon it. He had put the words in my head. There was very little editing I had to do on the pages I'd written. He helped me to see them with His vision.
My favorite verse from Psalm 8:
'When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy hands, the moon, the sun and the stars which Thou has ordained. How excellent is Thy name in all the earth'.
You have never failed in Your PROMISES, Lord. The sun will always shine through. Just as faithfully as you bring each and every season.
Excerpt from the book "101 Promises" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.