Charles Dickens has a famous quote that I have always admired, and over the years have come to respect more and more:
“Have a heart that never hardens…
a temper that never tires,
and a touch that never hurts”.
Whenever I read this or hear it mentioned, I think of how far these words can actually go.
For me it means that I should never have a heart that turns away from those who are hurting, regardless of who they may be, or lose my patience and compassion for them, or anyone that the Lord has put in my path.
I believe that on this road of life we are all on, there is no such thing as a coincidence. We meet people for a reason.
Our words often go out quickly. But those words alone can be a soft touch or one that could hurt deeply. It doesn’t only have to be a physical touch that may hurt.
I for one know that I need to work on my speech constantly, so that when my words do come out, they touch the person in a way that will not be hurtful or negative.
If a soul is telling me they are going through something difficult, the last thing they need is a negative comment from me.
Quite often I questioned the Lord as to how long it’s gonna take me to achieve all three of Charles Dickens' noble qualities. They are Fruits of the Spirit, and I do need them if I truly desire to be the woman of faith that God has inspired me to be.
Quite a while ago, I decided to pray a blessing forward each day. I begin by sending up a prayer for family, dear friends who have turned cold, and even those who do not like me in any way.
I’m sure most of you have experienced this, and it isn’t easy. However, I have learned through experience how it works in more ways than one, and can even have a domino effect.
I always try to remember that once words are spoken, they can never fully be retracted. We can apologize and send out sincere meaningful attempts to correct whatever has transpired, but the bottom line is, those words have still gone out there.
I know I am still at work in progress and always will be, learning day by day, but I have a checklist before I leave my house. Just a simple one. Keys, phone, purse with all my necessary items, sunglasses, and a pause for that quick prayer and blessing for whoever comes to my heart or I may meet on my walk that day.
Then I promptly close my door on all my own problems, and leave them at home where they belong for the next little while.
Today, Dear Reader, I am asking you to try this for yourself. Send a blessing forward for someone who is on your heart right now.
Perhaps you only have a few moments to yourself before rushing to work, picking up the children, dashing to the cleaners, the grocery shops, appointments... and still the back of your mind reminds you - you have to be home in time for that baseball practice, etc.
Bless someone’s day by just whispering a silent prayer or making that quick phone call saying, “I’ve been thinking about you - let’s get together soon.” Perhaps you can drop an appropriate card in their mailbox on the way to that game. Your faith and spirit will lead you.
The Lord says that the harvest is plenty, but the workers are a few. Each one of us can change that, even though it’s a small move and we may not think it can do much. Meanwhile, it may do more than we will ever know.
By now your quiet time is probably over and you’ve done what you felt in your heart to do, and have to dash on with your day.
As you go about it, think about the smile that will be on the face of the one who opens their mailbox, or hears your voice on their voicemail.
Every choice we make when we are feeling led to move, will affect that someone in this day that the Lord has given.
He makes a suggestion for us by telling us to rejoice and be glad because this is the day that He has made.
We may not see any results, but our very own blessing is the piece that fills our heart. Because we have been obedient to His voice - that soft voice that whispers to us to do the right thing.
Throughout your busy day, as you’re dashing here and there and trying to get your workload done before the end of the day, give yourself a blessing, even if it's simply grabbing a coffee to go and maybe your favorite muffin.
Don’t forget to count yourself in, because you are essential each and every day.
Blessings and thank you for reading, Marlane.
Excerpted from the book "101 Blessings" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.