Have you woken up this morning to brilliant sunlight streaming through your windows but somehow cannot seem to catch 'the glow'. You give yourself the usual pep talk and that doesn't have you shifting into high gear either.
And, the worst part of all is realizing what is happening. It's a spiritual battle.
I have my days where I don't want to face all the chores that await me. I lay there trying to give myself excuses NOT to do them. That sounds ridiculous considering I am my own boss around here. I notice when I am tired, little things can become mountains and I have been training myself as to how to deal with one thing at a time. Not easy, that's for sure because I have this habit of piling everything together and that points me in the direction of 'overwhelmed'. I am famous for it, I hate to admit.
We have the PROMISE of the power through Christ Jesus to ward off these enemy darts if we can get our minds focused on Him.
So for the next few moments, think about all the times you smiled yesterday or the time spent outdoors. Remember our smiles are a pleasant picture to the Lord and to those who are going to cross our paths today.
Perhaps you spent time having that long overdue coffee with a neighbor. Count them as BLESSINGS for yesterday. Today has worries of its own and it seems almost impossible to pull out of that gloom you're feeling.
Well this may sound a bit off the wall but it works for me (most times), and that is why I'm sharing it with you.
When all else fails... Try singing! Begin anytime.
If you don't feel you've been gifted with a great voice, wait until no one's around or the kids have the volume up on their video games.
Sing in the shower! Sing while mopping the landing or tossing that sweaty soccer uniform into the washer.
Sing anything you like! Sing about what makes you happy.
Sing the 'Because I'm Happy', song by Pharrell Williams! The Lord is not going to mind at all. He simply says: "Make a joyful noise!"
Begin singing and see where it leads you. Sing songs that you like, that have a catchy beat, or great words. It will most likely carry you into a mood of thanksgiving and praise. It usually works for me!
Then you may even sing:
'Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy one.
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son.'
It's your choice. Take a deep breath & thank the Lord for giving you this day, come what may. Whatever transpires, He is with us. He will not go back on His word.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 28, He PROMISES us: 'I am with you always, even to the end of the world'.
For today, or even for a few moments of an hour, let yourself be comforted and rejoice and be glad simply knowing that His PROMISES never change.
Take part of that moment to count in a BLESSING and be sure to add the Lord's PROMISE that He fulfills every morning with a new sunrise and for us a fresh new start.
That joyful noise will be your strength!
Proverbs 17:22 tells us this:
'A joyful heart is good medicine'.
- Excerpt "101 Promises" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.