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Christmas Objects

Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder

During the summer, my heart overflows with the blessings I have received from my beautiful outdoor plants.

A friend of mine had sent me a post several years ago that read:

“Gardening Is Great Therapy

& You Get Tomato Plants!”

She was right about that.

When my budget for flowering plants for my garden plot has been spent, I begin filling in other vacant spots with veggie plants.

Well, I certainly was satisfied and couldn’t see any reason why I couldn’t have beautiful tomatoes in with my flowers.

I am quite the ‘multicultural gardener’ in that I love every plant. I would never turn one away because I wasn’t able to make room for just one more… or even five or seven more.

Don’t be surprised if you see red peppers looking adorably bright, blended in with my vivid green coleus, while cherry tomatoes look right at home with the Gerbera daisy trio.

Next, there are yellow and green beans joyfully climbing the lattice wall along with my purple Morning Glories.

My blessings begin with having my own yard. A sanctuary to call mine, filled with mature shade trees and a variety of perennials. Everything is welcome in my garden. They’ll all find a place to grow there.


We may all originate from different beginnings, blended families, and other nationalities, but we all arrive at one place to grow and worship.

The Lord calls us to come and walk in the light. That means everyone is welcome and it is not His desire for anyone to be turned away.

There is always room in His garden for one or several more.

He has given each one of us unique gifts, whatever He has chosen from His nursery of Gifts of the Spirit.

We are all created in His image, but we are still original because no two of us are exactly the same, anywhere.

If we walked into His garden, He would recognize us at once, and we would never be told that we don’t blend in with the others.

I don’t believe any blessing could be more reassuring than that.

As I work in my mix of beauties of all colors and sizes, I think of the way that we were meant to do that with others in our life. We are all essential to someone somewhere. Be it close or distant, we are necessary, and our color is beautiful.

The next time you are gardening and are wondering if one color will match the next - or if it will stand out oddly - visualize yourself walking into a church service filled with people, singing and praising the Lord.

There is always a place for us, and we are welcome to join in anywhere and be fed with the prayers and fellowship that will help us to grow, just like the plants in our garden.

Blessings Dear Reader, & and take a moment just to say thank you as you look around, because this is the day that the Lord has made.

– Marlane.

Excerpted from the book "101 Blessings" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.


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