Psalm 62 tells us that we should quietly wait for God. He is the refuge for us that we need.
David spent nights admiring the glory of the heavens. In Psalm 19 he wrote: "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork."
Who of us can count the snowflakes? Can anyone measure every drop of rain that falls on the Earth? Who knows the exact number of seeds in a sunflower or stars in the sky? How many grains of sand can there be in this world? Who could ever answer questions about all the numbers of everything made under the sun?
We have our day, planners, appointment books, and we write everything in our cell phones & calendars just to try to keep up with our commitments, the workplace, school projects that we need help with at home in the evening, along with the meals and laundry and our daily routine. We try to fit everything in on time and that can be stressful. And many times feel like we’re always rushing when what we really want is just a few quiet moments to ourselves.
Then, there’s always the unexpected happening, and we need to take an emergency flight or drive somewhere and everything else has to go on the back burner while we deal with the emergency at hand. It takes time to plan everything else that has to wait. The reasons are endless.
Sometimes our days and weeks fly by, other times they drag, and it seems like the month will never end. It’s a tough balancing act for most people these days.
Time can be slow when you’re waiting for the results from a doctors appointment. On the other hand, when a special occasion is happening, we wish that we had more time together because it is precious and memorable. That is when we feel there’s never enough time, because we want to hold on. And time seems especially short, whenever a loved one leaves us, and we thought we’d have more time with them. I’m sure David had appointments and things he had to get to all the time, and yet he took that time to just quietly enjoy the glory of the Lord and marvel at the wonders of the night sky. He marvelled at the Lord’s handiwork. However, time to our Lord is different, because one day is like 1000.
Iris, whom our family called ‘our person’, always said we must be more like the birds, because they get everything in place at the right time. They aren’t out flapping in the trees nearly stressed to a nervous breakdown because it’s about to rain and company is soon to arrive and there will be nowhere for them to sit outside. She’d laugh and describe how the birds were sitting up on the branches, enjoying the day, joyfully singing, and when it starts to rain, they’ll know it’s time to seek shelter and quietly wait. Simple as that. That was her philosophy. That was her faith.
Iris had a way of keeping her sense of humour while still carrying us through some of the worst and most difficult times. Somehow we always made it through. We are so blessed that we have that in our family, that we can laugh and cry at the same time, because that’s how we deal with things. We give ourselves a moment, take some deep breaths, and do whatever needs to be done at that time. We have our meltdowns, but together we deal with whatever, and are always thankful for our time together where we can depend on one another for strength. If we keep our hearts open, He will guide us to a quiet place to wait.
Psalm 23 has always been one that I turn to, and for some reason, it just makes me feel that it was written especially for me. But I believe it makes everyone feel that way when we need it.
We may feel that we are in a dark place, and the night is long and waiting seems endless, but we are never alone. The Lord is our shepherd, and makes us to lay down in green pastures. He will lead us beside the quiet waters that will soothe our hearts. He restores our soul when we feel that time is not on our side, and He will guide us in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake. If we wander off track, He will lead us to a place of stillness, and give us time to settle our thoughts and prayers.
Dear Readers, when you can, read Psalm 23. The time will be so well spent because it will be especially for you. He wants you to be blessed and reassured. He wants you to feel His love, and He will minister only to you. Read the words and then quietly wait. He will be right on time. The Lord will be YOUR Shepherd. He will be my Shepherd. He will be the Shepherd to all who call on Him and quietly wait for the answers to come. That is God‘s promise to His people. Sometimes those answers come quickly and other times we have to quietly wait.
Thank you for taking the time in your busy schedule to read this, and I hope you find it comforting.
Blessings, Marlane.
Excerpted from the book "101 Roads" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.