Everything was still. I could almost hear the feathery snowflakes falling onto the mounds of fresh knee deep snow. There wasn't a soul moving on my street. The lights from windows reflected through the falling mist and changed the colors to gold & silver.
My young granddaughters would love to be walking through this true winter wonderland and pretend it was 'Fairy Dust'. I could see the child at heart in me could believe the Disney version as well.
I tilted my face towards the sky and closed my eyes & just felt blessed by the peace this weather held tonight.
The comfort of faith brings hope that good things are still coming.
This season stirs hope with the 'reason for the season'. It has been a tough, emotional year but His grace has filled our family with many new BLESSINGS, babies, our new generation. Slowly, not easily, we are accepting that tears and grief are part of loving and letting go.
We have love that lives on, faith and hope that we will meet again. And there is joy in the new lives added to our family tree.
As I walked through town, I thought of another on a night long ago.
'O little town of Bethlehem'.
I visualized the Angels who brought the news to the shepherds on that Christmas about the Savior's birth and sang:
'Tonight, in Bethlehem, a child is born, Christ the Lord, our Savior!'
When the shepherds arrived in Bethlehem, Joseph & Mary were there and it was as the Angel said.
I shook off the snow & wondered how they must have been shaken up by this news as they followed the star into town, to the manger where the new Savior was in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Imagine the joy as they spread the news as they walked through town.
'O little town of Bethlehem.'
The Three Wise Men followed the same star.
'We three Kings, of Orient are. Bearing gifts we've travelled afar'.
The innkeeper's life must have changed from that night forward!
For a moment I wished I had been walking through the town with the villagers on that Christmas night.
I would have heard the cattle softly lowing while the baby slept.
I'm blessed to know the true meaning of Christmas that was instilled in us by the example of faith our parents and grandparents gave us.
As a child I too, loved the thought of 'Santa bringing presents' and all of that, along with our special family traditions.
What I have carried with me from year to year were the beliefs that kept our home strong. The love and going the distance, whatever it took to be together.
Because it was Christ who kept the family BLESSINGS going.
Ever since that night in the town of Bethlehem,
He is still the real reason for the season ***
Excerpt from the book "101 Blessings" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.
